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Social Media Tips for Fundraisers

Social Media Tips for Fundraisers

You are probably a pro on social media. You keep up with the family on Facebook, share your kid’s pictures with your friends on Instagram, source recipes and DIY ideas on Pinterest, and check Twitter for the latest news and local happenings.

But using social media for fundraising is different from using it for personal reasons. You are not just posting for fun. You are trying to get people to take action. Whether you are a part of your organization’s fundraising committee, or a parent whose child is having a school fundraiser, we know that you are busy. For this reason, we want to provide you with as many tools to make your fundraising efforts even more successful. Social media is a great opportunity to find and recruit supporters for your cause. Use some, or all of the following tips to take your fundraising to the next level.

5 Tips to SUCCESSFULLY Fundraise on Social Media

1. Use Images

Social media users love images. They stand out in a newsfeed and tell a story quicker than a few lines of text. Depending on which social network you are using, you may have room for an image and a lot of text (Facebook and IG), or you may have to succinctly craft your message (Twitter).
Attention-grabbing ways to use images on your fundraising posts include:

  • Instagram and SnapChat video stories can attract new audiences to your campaign.
  • GIFs and Vines are great ways to deliver your message and do not require a lot of skill to create.
  • A video explaining the purpose of your fundraiser.

2. Have a Clear Call to Action

What do you want your audience to do, and when?

  • Add a link to a page with more information.
  • Do not assume your audience knows who you are or about your cause.
  • Be clear and direct. Use words that invite action such as click, share, and call.

3. Make Them Shareable

If you want your posts to be shared, make them shareable.

  • If it is a Twitter post, limit it to 140 characters.
  • Ask. Most people will not automatically share your post, so ask them to please share, repost, or retweet.
  • Seek out online influencers and ask them to share your post if you know they are a supporter of your cause.

4. Build Your Brand

What is your fundraiser for and why are you having one? Do not assume your audience knows about your project. When you use social media for personal use, you are connecting with people who personally know you. When you use social media for fundraising, you are reaching out beyond your personal circle to find new audiences.

  • #Hashtags give your fundraising campaign a cohesive image across platforms and unify the members of your fundraising team.
  • Be different, but recognizable. Do not make your fundraising campaign so unique that people who are already supporters cannot recognize you.
  • Colour, slogans, and logos are easily recognizable and memorable.

5. Give Supporters a Purpose

Why is your fundraiser different? How can you stand apart?

  • Have a contest.
  • Clearly define your goal and deadline.
  • Give results. When the fundraising campaign is over, your social media campaign is not over. Your supporters and audience need to know the results of your fundraising efforts and how they can contribute in the future.
  • Thank, thank, and thank again anyone who supports your cause and shares your message.

Fundraising using social media is about experimenting and being creative. Just because it has been done before does not mean it cannot be successfully done again. And just because it has not been done, does not mean it will not work now! The key to successfully using social media for fundraising is to put yourself on your audiences’ radar.

Get started on your In-Dey-Go fundraiser today!

For a limited time, In-Dey-Go is offering an exclusive offer for fundraising coordinators looking to run a successful holiday campaign.

At no additional cost, you will receive:

  • One ebook including tips, tricks, and tools to help support your fundraising efforts
  • Social media and email templates for increased sales
  • One webinar with a question and answer period
  • Digital and print copies of all support documents

For more information or to register, please email


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