indeygo fundraising products

Author: admin

Back-to-School Fundraising with Indeygo!

Back-to-School Fundraising with Indeygo!

Is it just us or does summer feel like it flew by? It’s hard to believe that we’re already shifting into our “back-to-school” mindset and getting ready for our busiest fundraising season of the year! So, while you both soak up the last of summer and start preparing for that back-to-school mayhem, don’t forget that ...

Summer Volunteering & Fundraising Tips

Summer Volunteering & Fundraising Tips

While summer is the time to enjoy the warm weather and longer days with kids in summer camps, it doesn’t mean volunteering and fundraising need to take a backseat! Volunteering can be a great way to keep kids in your life engaged with the community! Volunteering plays a crucial role in building community, personal well-being, ...

Summer Send Off and a Look Ahead to Fall Fundraising

Summer Send Off and a Look Ahead to Fall Fundraising

Summer is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to soak up the sun! Reflecting on a great school year of successful and exciting fundraisers, we’re grateful for all the amazing support we’ve received from passionate Indeygo customers! It’s been great to see their enthusiasm and success in using Indeygo products to achieve their ...



Fundraising SuccessFundraising TipsPartnershipsUncategorizedYear in Review

Fundraising Guide

Have fundraiser questions? Find the answers here.

Whether you’re a school, a club, team or a cause, we support you with everything you need to run a successful fundraising campaign, making it simple and easy. We have assembled this amazing guide that makes it easy for you to get started!



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