Fundraising Showdown Cookies vs Coffee — Which Works Best?

Fundraising Showdown
Cookies vs Coffee—Which Works Best?

Fundraising is essential for schools, clubs, and nonprofits, and finding the right product can significantly impact your success. Two popular choices for seasonal fundraising are cookies and coffee, each offering unique benefits. Let’s dive into the advantages of both, helping you decide which suits your next fundraiser best.

Fundraising Cookies: Sweet and Simple


  1. Broad Appeal:
    Cookies are universally loved. An easy sell, why chip, when you can chunk?

  2. Year-Round:
    Cookies are perfect for fundraisers any time of the year, typically the best time of year to fundraise is the festive holiday season.

  3. Variety:
    We offer a wide range of Cookie Dough flavours, and even doggie dough! 

  4. Low Commitment:
    Cookies are relatively inexpensive, and people are more likely to make impulse purchases for themselves or as gifts. 1.2kg (2.7lbs) baked into 48 cookies, what is not to like?

  5. Profit Margin:
    Up to a 40% profit margin has made the most successful returns.

Fundraising Coffee: Energy Boost for the Season


  1. Seasonal Demand:
    Coffee is a great fundraising option for those who want to run a smaller campaign with less commitment. The demand for these holiday staples makes them easier to sell.

  2. Community Support:
    Buying a bag of coffee for a fundraiser aligns with most folks who would purchase a bag at their local grocery store, instead, many customers enjoy supporting local organizations during the holiday season..

  3. Limited Competition:
    Coffee fundraising is a great alternative and sells well with Cookie Dough.

  4. Profits:
    Coffee has a 30% profit margin and offers everyone a quick energy boost!

Cookies vs Coffee: The Final Verdict

When choosing between Indeygo Cookie Dough fundraisers and Coffee fundraisers, consider your target audience, seasonality, and logistics. If you’re looking for a year-round, easy-to-manage option with broad appeal, coffee might be your go-to. On the other hand, if your group wants to capitalize on holiday seasons with higher profit margins and is ready to handle the logistics, cookie dough offers an easy first-time fundraising opportunity.

Whatever you choose, both products can help your organization reach its goals. At Indeygo, we team up with trusted partners, because we know that’s the key to successful fundraising. Good products make selling easy, and that’s what we aim for—high profits made easier.

Ready to kick off the busiest fundraising season of the year? Give us a call (1 877 463 3946) or sign up now.

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Indeygo Fundraising
P.O. Box 8346
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
T1W 2V1