How to Kickstart Your Fundraising for the New School Year

Need Help Fundraising?  It's no secret that schools, groups and sports teams have fundraising needs. Indeygo Fundraising can help.  We recommend the following to help your fall fundraiser be successful:

  1. Plan Early - Let's get out of the gate early!  Plan to run your fundraiser Sept/Oct and have all the orders in by the end of October.  In over 20+ years of business, we have found that this timeline ensures maximum success. It also frees up your time (less stress!!) closer to the holidays!
  2. Choose a Fundraising Company that sets your group up for Success. Did you know that Indeygo Fundraising will provide everything you need free of charge? Glossy, colour order forms and support materials are sent out complimentary to your group.  You can easily set up an online store too!
  3. Communicate to your group and customers - make sure that your goals and intentions are clear. What are you fundraising for?  What is your target amount? Your customers will be willing to spend money if they know where the funds are going. Your participants will be willing to take part and meet the goal if it is clearly defined (for example - each person needs to sell 4 tubs in order to reach our goal of raising $1800 for the new playground).
  4. Choose a quality product - Indeygo Fundraising provides products made in Canada and supports local producers where possible.  Cookie Dough made us famous, but we've got other amazing products in our line up!  Did you know that Indeygo also has non frozen options such as, Beef Jerky, Coffee/Tea Fundraisers. Harvest Bundle Veggie Fall Fundraisers are also available in select areas.

Frequently asked questions about Fundraising in Alberta and Canada


We know you have many, and we are here to help.

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Indeygo Fundraising
P.O. Box 8346
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
T1W 2V1