What do I need for delivery day?

Delivery Day Guidelines

  1. Have 3 to 4 volunteers ready to help out with sorting. You will also need to have the order sheets and packing slip/shipping information with you. If you are going to have extras, put up a sign letting people know what you have left for sale.
  2. When your delivery arrives, count your items before signing the driver’s waybill. Make sure the numbers match what is on your packing slip/shipping information document and that none of the cases are damaged. If there are discrepancies in the numbers, make sure you write the difference/damage on the waybill before signing. You will be responsible for any discrepancies if you do not note them on the waybill.
  3. Before starting to hand out the product (s) make sure that your packing slip matches what was delivered in regard to boxes ordered per flavour. If there are any discrepancies at this point, please call us immediately to let us know (1-877-463-3946).
  4. Sort the flavours in separate stacks leaving space between the flavours. It is best to arrange them in the same order that is on the order form.
  5. When handing out the products, have only the selected volunteers do the picking and sorting of the orders.
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Indeygo Fundraising
P.O. Box 8346
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
T1W 2V1